Scholarly Centers

The Armory
  • The Armory
  • The Cafe
  • Tech Lab
  • Science Lab

The Armory

Library Catalog

To see what books we have in our collection, please visit the Armory's Online Catalog.

Library Hours by Appointment.

Tuesday & Thursday:
8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Library Blog

For more information about library activities, please visit the Armory Blog.

Library Vision

“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand agains the wiles of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against he rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” — Ephesians 6:10-12

As the name suggests, we view our library, The Armory, as a place where students are equipped with wisdom—gleaned from the Word of God and other great books—for a lifetime of service for the glory of God!   As part of the ministry of the church, CCA desires to create a safe place for children to explore good books and conduct online research.  Additionally, we hope to instill a lifetime love for reading and build character in our children one story at a time.  

We have purposed to fill our shelves with great books of classic literature.  Classic literature is compromised of books that have elements of the Great Story—God’s story—within their pages, are written in a noble language, have a sense of morality, and stand the test of time.  At CCA we recognize that the greatest gift we can give a student is passion for reading and a passion for reading good literature!  

“When you sell a man a book you don’t sell him just 12 ounces of paper and ink and glue- you sell him a whole new life.” - Christopher Marley

Library Class (K-5th)

Throughout the year, students will be exposed to various texts and stories that have been selected to match the theme or lesson of the week. The end goal of library class is for students to develop an appreciation of reading for information and pleasure and appreciate the library as a place for learning and fun.

Students will learn about the purpose of the library, as well as rules, procedures, and proper book care.  They will learn about book genres (fiction, nonfiction, poetry) and elements of a story.

Library Programs

Author’s Tea

Our desire at CCA is to honor and encourage our young writers through our Author’s Teas!  Once a quarter, teachers select students who have outstanding writing to be showcased in our library and presented at our Author’s Tea! Parents, faculty and students come to the library to have tea and listen to our gifted young authors!

Book Critiques

One way that reading is encouraged at CCA is through our Book Critiques!  When books are read, children fill out their own critique, and are awarded based upon the amount of critiques filled out throughout the week, month and year!  They are also very valuable to other students as they are choosing which books to read.

Birthday Books

At CCA, we honor our students by giving them an opportunity to donate one of their favorite books to the library on their birthday.  Students can choose a book from our school reading list, order it and have it signed by the birthday child in the front cover.  It is such a wonderful way for students to give back to their school.

The Classical Reader

When you are choosing what books your children will read, the stakes are especially high. The Classical Reader is an invaluable resource for every school and family for everything from book reports to reading for pleasure.  Give it a try—start sorting and filtering to see the veritable cave of dragon loot, the embarrassment of riches that will provide years of instruction and delight and help to instill a lifelong love of reading.

The Cafe

The cafe is a collegiate-inspired student lounge for CCA high school students to use throughout the day. It is available before and after school as well as during lunch and study hall periods. Students can use this space to study, purchase cafe drinks and snacks, and to fellowship with one another. 

Tech Lab

Calvary Christian Academy offers our student technology integration through our state-of-the-art technology lab. In our lab, we have twenty-four computers accessible to students for typing, writing essays, research and projects. Our computers are equipped with numbers, pages, keynote and mavis beacon.

Technology Integration at CCA  

At CCA, we value and appreciate how technological advances have assisted schools and teachers to aid their instruction. Throughout the years we have done a lot of research regarding technology usage by students in schools! We have not yet seen a school where the benefits have outweighed the negative impact. The fact is children using technology as a tool for learning in the early elementary years is uncharted territory and has not yet been proven as an effective tool in education. Studies have shown that increased amounts of technology and media exposure in the younger years inhibit a child’s ability to learn successfully.

As a classical school, our focus is to teach your students to read, write and think through direct teacher instruction! With this is mind, CCA instructs students with what is necessary at the appropriate developmental stage in their life. We have a leveled approach when it comes to the technology instruction to our students. 

During the middle school years, or the Logic stage, we have integrated technology into our curriculum as a tool to help the students learn!

You can look at our Technology Integration Plan to see how specifically these programs are used.

Science Lab

Calvary Christian Academy’s science lab is specifically outfitted with state-of-the-art equipment to promote hands-on student learning in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology.