School of Grammar (K-6)

  • Overview
  • Courses
  • Special Days


Calvary Christian Academy’s School of Grammar classrooms are fun and engaging, so that students learn through guided discovery, exploration, games, songs, chants, movement, recitations, and repetition.  Subjects are integrated, so students may make connections between them.  Coursework focuses on memorizing factual information in a variety of subject matter, including phonograms, math facts, maps, scripture, quotes, and poetry.  This approach fits grammar students well as students are characterized as:

  • Excited about new, interesting facts
  • Easily memorize
  • Enjoy games, stories, songs, projects, chants, and rhymes
  • Want to touch, taste, see, feel, smell
  • Imaginative and creative
  • Like to discover, explain, problem solve, talk
  • Want to relate topic to their own experience
  • Like collections and organizing items
  • Easily assimilate other languages

Memory Period 

One way CCA implements the classical approach to learning is through the Memory Period.  In our School of Grammar, teachers begin each day with memory work (i.e., Latin, poems, quotes, memory verses, spelling, and more) and engaging songs, hand motions, chants, and call-outs.  Taking time to go over this material on a daily basis enables students to learn valuable memory skills in a fun and engaging way.

The Influence of Charlotte Mason (K-2nd)

CCA’s educational philosophy and methods for the lower elementary are also derived from the British educator, Charlotte Mason (1842-1923).  Ms. Mason, a renowned “teacher of teachers,” founded a number of grammar schools, as well as a college to train teachers.  The elements of Charlotte Mason’s educational philosophy that we have incorporated into CCA are as follows:

  • Parents are the primary influence in their children’s lives, and they must accept and fulfill this responsibility—it cannot be delegated.  In Mason’s words: “More than anything else it is the home influences brought to bear upon the child that determine the character and career of the future man or woman.”
  • Children are born as individuals of worth and, as such, should be valued and respected.  Curriculum for children, therefore, should reflect their value and potential as human beings and should never be “dumbed down.”  Rather, the curriculum must be full of books and experiences that exemplify and teach truth, beauty, and goodness.  In particular, a school’s curriculum should be filled with “living books” and not simply textbooks, leveled readers, or vapid works.
  • The teaching and reinforcing of mental and moral habits help students automatically learn to do what is right, which will aid them in their future development.
  • Nature study should be an integral part of children’s grammar school years.  The study of nature allows children to develop all of their senses and trains them to observe, count, classify, interpret, draw, and record.  Nature study helps children love and appreciate the magnificence of God as the Creator of all.  Moreover, nature study is foundational to developing skills in inquiry, observation, and analysis that are integral not only to scientific investigation, but also to fields as diverse as the study of history and of the visual arts.
  • The use of oral and written narration develops students’ overall language skills.  Students tell back or “narrate” a story they have heard or read.  They retell, as much as possible, word for word.  As students narrate, they learn good writing technique, as they often recite or write in the same style as the author. Narration also strengthens and develops their vocabulary and memory skills.

CCA’s educational approach is uniquely based on a classical, Christian model while incorporating several teaching philosophies of Charlotte Mason primarily during the early grammar years.  With a proven model, methods that support children to grow in moral character, and ultimately the guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ, Calvary Christian Academy is recapturing education. 


At CCA, students learn to read through a phonics-based curriculum called Spell to Write and Read. Not only do students learn to spell to write, but they start by writing Cursive First!

At CCA, we use Saxon Math because of its spiral review. Students continue to practice math concept throughout the entire school year (rather than one unit a time) to attain mastery. Our classes are currently a year ahead in Math when compared to other schools.

CCA uses a hand-on approach to study Science, especially in the early grammar years. In accordance with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy, we study science to learn about God and use nature study through inquiry, observation and analysis that are integral to scientific investigation. We use Answers In Genesis, and Winter Promise as the basis for our Science Program.


Our students learn about famous missionaries throughout history. They study geography and history with an appreciation for the sacrifices that men and women have made throughout the centuries for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Not only do they learn about missionaries lives, but they memorize important facts about these great men and woman through song.

1st Grade

Our students learn to appreciate their American Heritage. They explore American History through literature, using the Beautiful Feet curriculum. They learn about the brave men and women, who helped build our country, paying special attention the cost it took to give us our freedom. Students also learn over ten classic American folk songs and what life was like on the frontier as they read three Laura Ingles Wilder books (Farmer Boy, Little House in Big Woods, and Little House on the Prairie). What an amazing foundation for our students as they will someday became active American Citizens who can love and appreciate their country and the wonderful blessings that come from liberty! 

2nd-6th Grades

Our students study the chronological history of Western Civilization using the Veritas Press curriculum. Beginning with the Creation of the world, our students realize that God’s Word is actual history. They learn to see God’s hand in “His Story” of the world. Each week students are study and learn about a major event in history. Each highlighted historical event or time period includes the study of a famous piece of art, hands-on activities, and a song. By the end of 6th grade, students become aware of how our culture has developed and advanced. They are provided with a basic understanding of major historical events and themes that have influenced the world we live in today!

CCA takes great joy in teaching our Grammar Students to love literature through the reading of unabridged classical literature. These classic treasures begin with Beatrix Potter in Kindergarten and culminate in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy in 8th grade. By the time students leave the Grammar and Logic Schools in CCA, they have read at least one hundred classical works of literature. Not only do our students increase their knowledge in vocabulary, history, and literary techniques, but they also glean wisdom and real-life experiences from their adventures in literature!

CCA proudly teaches students the basics of grammar, writing, and vocabulary through Shirley Grammar, which helps students learn how to break down sentences through jingles, hand-motions, and hands-on dissection of sentences. As students move up in the elementary, we transition their curriculum from Shirley Grammar to Institutes for Excellence in Writing, where students learn the art of using literary elements to create works that engage and enlighten others.

Special Days

K: Hundreds Day
1st: Prairie Day
2nd: Egyptian Day
3rd: Greco-Roman Day
4th: Medieval Day
5th: Adventure Day