We know that some parents are called to teach their children at home. It is one of CCA’s deep desires to support homeschooling families in a way that will enhance the CCA Mission and Vision. Thus, our school is thrilled to be able to assist these families by offering a variety of liberal arts and enrichment classes a la carte. Upon admittance, and as space allows, we are offering home school families in our community the opportunity to join the following classes:
2nd-8th grade classes will be offered on Mondays through Friday at different times throughout the school the day.
We would also like to extend the opportunity, as space allows, for homeschool families to join our after school enrichment programs. These programs may include, but are not limited to:
Programs will be held from 3:15-5:30 p.m. Duration of the programs vary. Please contact Shelley Lozonne; to find current programs, availability, times, and fees.
Complete and submit:
Grades 2-5: click here for the list of fees.
Grades 6-8: click here for the list of fees.
Rhetoric School: click here for the list of fees.
Students must be age appropriate and have met any course prerequisites.
Students will wear CCA uniform, as detailed in the Student and Parent Handbook, and available at landsend.com.
Students may participate in chapel, special events, and other school wide activities.