Schools of Grammar & Logic
- Schools of Grammar & Logic
- School of Rhetoric
Schools of Grammar & Logic
- Special Days
- Spirit Week
- Olympics
- San Francisco Symphony
- Shakespeare Play
- Grandparents' Day
- Dad’s Days
- National Day of Prayer
- Awards Ceremony
- Weekly Chapels
- Student of the Month
- Author’s Tea
- Summer Reading Program
- Student Showcase
- Celebration of Learning
- Christmas Concert
- Classroom Celebrations
- Classroom Field Trips
School of Rhetoric
- Annual House Retreat
- Fall Dance
- Spring Formal
- Spirit Week
- Shakespeare Play(s)
- Grandparents' Day
- Dad’s Days
- National Day of Prayer
- Awards Ceremony
- Weekly Chapels
- Student of the Month
- Author’s Tea
- Classroom Field Trips
- Winter Camp
- Summer Camp
- Class Trips